Hello! Joe and I have been together for 7 years and married for 5. We have a wonderful home together. We love to laugh! We are always joking and having fun. Movie quotes and dance moves happen often in our house! Our community is warm and welcoming.
Abby and Joe
We love traveling to new places and being outdoors. We also enjoy going out to eat and trying new things! We have so much respect and admiration for you! Your selfless act of love is immeasurable. We are so excited to begin this adventure!
We have always wanted to grow our family and knew that adoption was the way we wanted to go. Our family is very supportive, loving and dependable! Bringing a child into our home and lives will be the greatest gift! We can’t wait to share our love and hearts with them!
Joe is an aircraft mechanic, he works on jets and planes. He was in the Air Force for 6 years. Abby is a part time restaurant manager, she loves being around people. Both of our parents are so excited to add to the family!
We love swimming in our pool, gardening and barbecues! Joe enjoys cooking, golf and sports. Abby enjoys exercising, crafting and reading. We have a group of friends that we watch sports games with. Every year we have a big get together for March Madness to watch basketball!
We live in a wonderful town in Kentucky. We are within walking distance to the elementary and middle school. We have 2 dogs that bring us so much joy! Bo and Bailey are hound mixes. We love gardening, going to farmers markets and spending time with our family that lives near by.
We love traveling to new places and plan a couple of trips every year! Eventually we’re going to get a camper so we can travel many places.
We like to spend time with our extended family and Abby’s 2 nephews. Her parents are both retired school teachers. Abby’s mom still substitutes because she loves the children so much! We celebrate birthdays and holidays together every year! Thank you so much for taking the time to learn about us. We look forward to hearing from you!
With Love-
Joe and Abby
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We want to share our love and lives with another child and we hope you can see that in us.