Of all the many adoption sites out there, we found America Adopts! offered the most personalized customer service and support and was also the easiest to use and the most reasonably priced. We were even happier when after a few months, our birthmother found our online profile!

Good news! We’ve adopted a baby boy! It was an online search that delivered our most precious son. Thanks again so much! I will not hesitate to endorse this site to ANYONE who asks. Keep up the good work!

We are huge advocates for America Adopts and we regularly recommend it to new adoptive families.

Getting our profile up was fast and easy and the customer service is very personal. We were listed for only a month or two before we found a match through the America Adopts! website.

Thank you so much for your help this past year! It played a vital role in connecting us with the young woman we did find; she and her family looked at our profile repeatedly before contacting us. We will recommend your services to anyone who is trying to adopt. Thank you again!

We just wanted to let you know that recently we matched with a wonderful expectant mom who was specifically looking for a same-sex couple! We appreciate all the help you have given us in our adoption journey. Having the America Adopts! page greatly upgraded our online presence and reach. Even last week we got an expectant mom contact via the site!

After waiting three years to adopt a second child, we turned to America Adopts! to help us extend our adoption outreach. The America Adopts! team was friendly, helpful, and responsive to our needs. In November, our dreams finally came true when we adopted a son. We recommend America Adopts! to anyone who is thinking about adoption.

“Our profile connected us with an expecting mother. She ultimately decided to parent, but shortly after our profile was seen by a couple looking to donate embryos. This family felt a connection to us immediately. Without our profile, we know we wouldn’t have the family we have today. Thank you America Adopts!

Just wanted to give you our good news, we had a baby girl!! It was a crazy whirlwind, but we have a perfect little girl. So we are officially off the market Thank you so much for all of your help throughout this process.

We’ve found a match! So, we should probably take down our profile. Thanks again for all your help, We will definitely recommend you to other families.

We actually received two great leads from your site. Your site is great and we found it very useful.

I am happy to announce that we were MATCHED by our agency last week! Thank you so much for the beautiful page that you created for us, but we will no longer need it. When we inevitably adopt again, we will come to you first thing to create this again for us.

We connected with a lovely woman last Wednesday who was due in 2 weeks and to our surprise she then went into labor the very next morning! Thank you so much for everything, we cannot believe how quickly this all happened!

Many thanks! The website link was texted to the birthmother for her consideration.

The team at America Adopts! have been wonderful to work with during our adoption process. Not only have they given us helpful feedback on our adoption materials and profile, but they have also been there with kind words of encouragement and support.

We were just matched and placed for adoption. Thank you again for all of your assistance during our wait!

We matched through our agency. We would like to thank you for having our profile on your website and for helping us out.

We were matched through an attorney! Thank you so much for your help and great service!

We’ve identified a match through a local attorney, and no longer need the online profile. Your services have been great. Thank you!