America Adopts! is an online service that helps hopeful adoptive parents connect directly with prospective birthparents. We offer adoption profile writing and networking services to help you find a match easier and faster, as well as information and resources to help you build a strong and lasting relationship with prospective birth families.

An adoption agency is a state-licensed organization that facilitates adoptions and offers a variety of services, ranging from home studies to legal work. Some offer parent profile services, but not all. America Adopts! builds on their work and specializes in online profile and networking services.

No. Facilitators act as a go-between expectant parents and adoptive parents. As a web-based service, we do not get directly involved in the matching process. We let you control all of the communication and interaction with expectant parents.

America Adopts! is designed to give you more control of the networking process and to help you make your adoption profile the best it can be so that you can increase your chances of finding a match.

There is no set time. Some hopeful adoptive parents find a match quickly. For others, it takes longer. And others may not find a match at all. The key is to get the word out, manage your expectations, stay proactive, and keep your options open.

Every case is different but most of the decision-making surrounding a placement is done by expectant  mothers. Expectant fathers often play a secondary role or no role at all because they’re no longer in the picture or their identity is unknown.

Birthfather rights vary from situation to situation and from state to state. Depending on the circumstances, an adoption attorney can give you a more detailed and specific answer. Still, it’s important to keep the father of the baby in the loop about any adoption plan as much as possible.

In order to avoid trouble down the road, it’s important that the prospective birthmother make every effort to track down the father of her child and make him aware of her adoption plan. Again, an adoption attorney can give you more detailed information.

As the prospective birthfather, he may still have rights. Best to check with an adoption attorney before you jump into any situation.

Interstate adoptions are possible but tend to be more complicated. In addition to the laws in your state, you’ll have to abide by those in the prospective birth mother’s. Once again, your adoption attorney can offer further information and assistance.

Each case is unique. Generally speaking, birth parents are looking for a family that they can relate to and that will give their baby a better future than the one they think they can offer.

Expectant parents have the right to change their mind any time leading up to the placement. Although there’s nothing you can to stop expectant parents from having a change of heart, one way to protect yourself is to make sure they get all the counselling they need to make an informed decision.

Her medical and social history may provide some clues. Or you can have your adoption professional speak to her adoption professional to find out more.

State laws prohibit money from exchanging hands, so giving an expectant parent money could put your adoption in jeopardy. Depending on where you live, some living and medical expenses can be covered by you. Speak to your adoption worker for more details.

To be fair to the to prospective birthmother and to avoid complications for yourself, it’s best not to pursue more than one situation at a time.

That’s up to you. On the one hand, it could give you time to build a strong relationship with her. On the other hand, it could put you at risk if the expectant mother hasn’t had enough time to carefully think through her decision and changes her mind before the placement.

If you receive a direct invitation from the expectant birth mother, it will be hard not to accept. However, if there are circumstances where you think it’s not a good idea for you to be there — for instance, because the expectant parents appear to be wavering in their decision — you may need to decline. Your adoption worker can help you further.

In open adoption, placements usually take place shortly after the birth of the child, directly from the hospital. This is something you’ll need to work out with the prospective birth parents as part of your adoption plan.

The laws vary by state. It’s best to consult your adoption agency or attorney for more information.

That’s a personal decision that you’ll need to make in consultation with the birth parents and your adoption attorneys.

Expectant mothers have the right to change their mind anytime during the process. But it usually happens just before or after the birth of their child. Unless the birthmother can prove that the placement was made under duress or through coercion, she cannot reclaim her child after the grace period to change her mind after the baby’s birth has ended and the adoption has been finalized.