This guest post is by Sophie Yang, an infertility specialist. The stages of grief and acceptance people go through while undergoing infertility treatment can help you move to adoption with an open heart and mind if the infertility treatment doesn’t work. The time spent working through the stages of infertility helps you decide where your priorities are. If being a parent is the most important thing to you then if your fertility journey ends without a baby you’ve worked through most of
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How I Found The Right Adoptive Parents For My Baby
This guest post is by Amanda Dodson, a birthmother On July 2nd, 2016 I found out I was pregnant. I was by myself in a Walgreens bathroom. I called my best friend at the time and she told me everything would be okay and she’s there for me. I was terrified to tell my parents because they had said if I got pregnant I couldn’t live there anymore. I told my sister on July 4th and she wasn’t as mad as
How I Made An Adoption Plan For My Baby Girl
This guest post is by Jessica Lambert-Villa, a birthmother. I was 19 years old and had no direction in my life besides going up another year in age. I worked at a local coffee shop that served everyone from wandering vagabonds to pageant queens . I admired them all. They all seemed to have a purpose or passion that drove them to get out of bed everyday while I contemplated more than enough reasons to stay in bed. I never made
How This Year’s Oscar Nominees Can Help Adoptive Families Get Talking About Adoption
This guest post is Addison Cooper, the founder of Adoption at the Movies. Hollywood is preparing to honor this year’s best films at the 2017 Academy Awards, and Adoption at the Movies has just honored this year’s most adoption-friendly films with our Adoption at the Movies Awards. 2016 produced several great films, many of which can be particularly useful to adoptive families. Adoptive parents are often aware of important conversations about adoption that they should have with their children, but are
How to Connect with Your Future Child’s Birth Parents
This guest post is by Hal Kaufman, an adoptive parent and founder of My Adoption Advisor. During the last several years there has been a lot of research and press about Millennials. Pew Research defines Millennials as people born between 1981 and 1997. This means that in 2017, Millennials are 20-36 years old. According to Pew, in 2015, Millennial women accounted for 82% of U.S. births. If you’re looking to adopt an infant, your child’s birth parents are likely to
What Being An Adoptive Mother Taught Me About Love
This post is by Angela Boucher, an adoptive mother. Recently I was asked, as an adoptive mother how has parenthood has changed me? To be honest, I’m not sure that it matters at all how you become a parent. Instead, it’s about how you choose to parent. I do not want you to assume my choice to be an adoptive parent was an easy experience. It came after many years of infertility and struggle. It took me some time to
What Adopting Parents Need To Know About Birthparent Rights
This guest post is by Karie Boyd, an adoption attorney Deciding to pursue an adoption is a huge decision for hopeful parents. Once the decision has been made to welcome a new child into your life, you will need to quickly decide what type of relationship you are most comfortable having with the birth parents.
How To Create An Adoption Hospital Plan For Your Baby
This post is by Maxine Chalker, the founder of Adoptions From The Heart and an adoptee. The day of your hospital stay will be emotional and emotions are something most of us just can’t control. The practical aspects of your hospital stay, on the other hand, are completely in your control. Most expectant parents work in close collaboration with their social workers to develop an adoption hospital plan, outlining exactly how they envision the hospital stay going. Hospital plans are
How to Create A Successful Adoption Plan For Your Baby
This guest post is by DeeAn Gillespie, an adoption attorney. So you’ve decided adoption is the best thing for you and your baby. The next step is creating a successful adoption plan. After already making such an emotional decision, outlining an adoption plan may seem like an undesirable hurdle. And while it is a tender process, adoption plans serve two important purposes. First, it allows birth parents to hand select an ideal family for their baby, ensuring their child a
How Being Placed for Adoption Prepared Me for Entrepreneurship
This guest post is by Juliana Whitney, an adoptee. I cannot count the number of times it has been pointed out to me that entrepreneurs face a lot of rejection, as if this is some kind of revelation that might deter me from entrepreneurship. This statement indicates to me that they believe that an entrepreneur is what I am, but that is incorrect. It is who I am. I genuinely know that I was custom made for this. Maybe nobody was paying