To find a match, you have to get out there and reach out to expectant parents. In other words, you have to go to them. They don’t come to you.
Our Blog
Our Adoption Journey As A Same-Sex Couple
My family has become a role model for the LGBTQ+ community. These are opportunities we are thankful for.
How Do You Self-Match For Adoption?
How adoption self-matching can help you adopt quicker and more affordably.
5 Things To Do While Waiting To Get Chosen For Adoption
One day you may come to realize that this infuriating, confounding and exhilarating place where you are right now was where you were meant to be all along.
I’m The Lucky One: Reflections of An Adoptive Mother
Over the years I’ve also gotten a few comments in the vein of, “She’s so lucky to have you.” Let me say straight up: I am the lucky one.
A Birthmother’s Advice On How To Honor Your Child’s Birth Parents
Birthmoms should be honored for the place they hold in the adopted child’s life.
My Dream For the Daughter I Placed For Adoption
My dream for my daughter was this: That she would have two loving parents who could provide her with a stable and healthy home life.
Looking To Adopt A Child? Start Building Your Team Now
It takes a village to adopt a child. And a good team too.
One Of The Best Ways Adoptive Parents Can Support Adoptees
I want all children and adults in this country to have what I personally have –the right to their own history.
Adoptive Parent Profile Samples: How To Begin Your Adoption Letter
Here are some samples of how others have begun their adoption profile letter.