A question a lot of people ask me is how did I know Ben and Nicole were the ones? I knew as soon as I looked at their pictures online.
Our Blog
Why I Created An Open Adoption For My Baby
Having an open adoption means you can watch your child grow. You never have to wonder if they have everything you wanted for them.
Open Adoption Is Worth It!
I’ve come to realize that open adoption is like a marriage: It takes a lot of communication, honesty, trust, and acceptance to make it successful.
Looking For A Birthmother For Independent Adoption? These Websites Can Help
How adoption profile sites can help shorten your wait and save you money.
Adoption Has Come A Long Way: What A Simple DNA Kit Taught Me
Adoption needs to be a word that is not whispered in the dark but declared in the light.
The Keys To Creating A Successful Open Adoption
Whether a child is ours by biology or by adoption, one of the greatest acts of love we can offer them is to appreciate them without boxing them in with our expectations.
A “Match” Is Not The Same As An Adoption
The difference between a “match” and a finalized adoption and how confusion over the two can add to your anxiety.
The Most Important Question Of My Adoption Journey
Along the way we were asked again “Why?”: Why not just accept that you’re not supposed be parents? Why don’t you understand that children may not be a part of God’s plan for you and your husband?
10 Birthmother Stories About Giving More, Not Giving Up
Of all the birthmother myths, none stings more than the accusation that birthmothers “give up” their babies.
Why It Took Nearly 20 Years To Share My Birthmother Story
Nineteen years ago, birth mothers were not telling their stories. There was and is so much shame and resistance to speaking our side of the adoption story.