Our Blog
How To Support Birth Parents After Placement
Maxine Chalker is the founder of Adoptions From The Heart and an adoptee. There is significant research and study covering adopted child psychology or teaching adoptive parents how to adapt with new children in the home. However, the attention dedicated to birth parents is minimal at best, leaving a gap in the services available to help birth parents adjust with pre- and post-placement of the birth child. Fortunately, this is slowly changing with pre-counseling centers and service areas for expectant
Stop Forcing Birthmothers To Hide In Shame. It’s Time We Got Your Praise And Respect
This guest post is by Lynea, a birthmother. As almost all birth mothers know, moving forward after placement is not an easy process. We are overwhelmed with our own guilt and self-deprecation as well as all of the assisted pain that is placed on us by others. I find it interesting that birth mothers are looked at as women who “gave up” their baby. We live in a society where you are ostracized for judging those who choose to abort,
The Secret To Creating A Successful Relationship With A Birth Mother
This guest blog is by Gayle H. Swift, an adoptive mother, adoption coach and author. Developing a healthy, working relationship with a birth mother is one of the most important tasks faced by adoptive parents. It’s also the one we tend to fret the most about. Sometimes adoptive parenting can feel crowded; we have all these extra people in our lives. Because we recognize it is in our children’s best interest, we want to build a healthy, working relationship with
How Adopting A Baby Made My Heart Grow Bigger
This guest post is by Paige Knipfer, an adoptive mother. Adoption has changed me for the better. I wouldn’t be the person I am today without experiencing infertility and becoming an adoptive mom. I am so incredibly proud of my family’s story and hope that sharing it will help others as well.
To Any Birthmother Who’s Having ‘One Of Those Days’
This guest post is by Andrea, a birthmother. Adoption is so hard sometimes. It’s a life full of tears. Before I chose adoption for my baby I was hardly an emotional person. That definitely has changed post-placement. I cry weekly. And it’s expected. Especially in the first year. The first year is the hardest year after placement. You will have days full of “what ifs” “whys” and “hows”. You’ll be angry at everyone involved in your decision. You will wonder
How To Conquer Your Doubts When You’re Waiting to Adopt
This guest post is by Marvin and Vaughn, hopeful adoptive parents. We are waiting…and waiting…and still waiting. When we started the adoption process almost two years ago, several people told us the hardest part is the waiting! And, boy, were they right! You hear all sorts of coping mechanisms from friends or folk who have already adopted: “Go on vacation.” “Pick up a hobby.” “Spend more time with friends and family!” All great suggestions and things we’ve done to help
Why I Will Always Be Grateful To My Son’s Birthmother
This guest post is by Angela Boucher, an adoptive mother. Just hours before my son was born I was asked the question, “How do I know you will love him?” Most mothers going into labor would never be asked that question, but I am not what most people would consider to be a typical mother. You see, I was a hopeful adoptive mother in waiting. I sat side by side with the strongest woman I have ever known, my son’s
What It’s Like To Place A Baby For Adoption: My Birthmother Story
This guest post is by Rachel Jacobs, a birthmother. Open adoption? I had never heard about it until I was six weeks pregnant with my son back in 2014. All I knew about adoption was that there were closed adoptions where the mother never saw her child or had to search for him many years after placement. I knew I didn’t want to do that. I wanted to be easy to find in case my son ever had questions that only
How To Find Birthmothers For Adoption Using Social Media
“Help us find a special birthmother for adoption by RTing this. #birthmother #birthmom #adoption #openadoption #adopt #baby #adoptiveparents” If you’ve spent any time on the social media, chances are you’ve come across posts similar to this and others like: “Make our adoption dream come true. If you’re pregnant, call us now. All expenses paid.” At first glance, these messages by waiting adoptive parents may seem perfectly fine. But if you want to find an adoption match online, you’ll need to take a different approach